Done in a Whimsical Style
36 3/4″ L x 11″ T x 2″W
Weight: 4 lbs. 4 oz. pounds
Price: $1200.00 Shipping: $65.00
Sale Price: $650.00
Presented is a handsome hand-carved Folk Art Bowhead whale carving, painted in a flat black with a distinctive baleen carved mouth. The fin stands proud from the side of the whale just behind the eye.
Back of the carving showing Byron’s signature
The personality and character of this whimsical carving speaks for itself. We are not entirely sure about the provenance, as it was attributed to a carver who is known for his decoy carvings. There is a large “B” carved into the back, and it was thought that this might be by Bryon Bruffee.
Showing repair to the upper tail fin
This is a good size carving and will make a distinctive nautical theme addition to any decor.
The popularity of these fine whimsical carvings never seems to wane.