USS Wasp 1898 Engine Order Telegraph Bridge
USS WASP 1898 ENGINE ORDER TELEGRAPH BRIDGE ; Presented is a very rare Engine Order telegraph from the seventh USS WASP, a naval warship, bought into service by the secretary of the Navy for the Spanish American War in 1898. The telegraph was handed down in the same family since approximately 1920. It […]
John Bliss Binnacle Compass

VERY RARE JOHN BLISS BINNACLE COMPASS! You will not have seen anything like this before in this condition with this age or solid American pedigree. Presented is a Mid 19 th Century twin burner binnacle compass, serial number 6414, which is housed in as elegant a mushroom style case as you will ever see. The brass ring of the compass is stamped with […]
Antique Telltale CompassCa 1850

ANTIQUE TELLTALE COMPASS, Ca 1850 Like New Original Condition Telltale or tell tale compasses are one of the rarest found. This one is a perfect example of a mid 19th Century captain’s cabin compass. It has a special card for viewing when it is hung over a bunk making it a special find. Highly desirable for […]
Rare Pedigreed Danish Binnacle Compass
RARE PEDIGREED DANISH BINNACLE COMPASS! Made by Iver Weilbach, a company founded in 1755, 255 years ago. Weilbach binnacles are rare in the market, and are of the highest quality Presented is one of the most original and handsome vintage binnacles we have ever offered. The dramatic helmet style hood has a large round center port with twin oil lamp, one on each […]
Rare Full Size Chadburn Engine Order Telegraph
RARE FULL SIZE CHADBURN ENGINE ORDER TELEGRAPH Presented is a very rare telegraph with a single control handle mounted on the top with a very large external bell at the rear. We have only seen one other of this design made by the famous Chadburns Company of Liverpool. It is made from aluminum which was a much more expensive metal, […]
T.S. & J.D. Negus Boxed Dry Card Compass
T.S. & J.D. NEGUS BOXED DRY CARD COMPASS! Superb early example of an early dry card compass made by one of the famous names in American instrument making Presented is a Mid 19 th Century boxed compass by T.S. & J.D. Negus that was likely made around 1869. The brothers started their instrument making business in 1848, but did […]
Vintage Pelorus in Mahogany
VINTAGE PELORUS IN FINE MAHOGANY CASE Ca 1940 FINE SMALL BRONZE PELORUS CA 1940 A fine quality small craft & yacht size pelorus in a magnificent Mahogany case PRESENTED is a finely made navigation instrument called a pelorus which is used to take relative bearings in determining a vessel’s position. These bearings are then related to […]
Original Henry Browne & Son, London – Vintage Sestrel Hand Bearing Compass Ca 1960
ORIGINAL HENRY BROWNE & SON, LONDON – VINTAGE SESTREL HAND BEARING COMPASS CA 1960 HENRY BROWNE, “SESTREL” HAND BEARING COMPASS – Original Presented is a Henry Browne & Co., Barking, London English Sestrel hand bearing compass. This compass is the finest of its type ever designed. It’s bowl is cast bronze, and if desired can […]
Royal Navy Pyramid Binnacle Boat Compass
EXCEPTIONAL ROYAL NAVY PYRAMID BINNACLE BOAT COMPASS BY FAMOUS ENGLISH MAKER “DENT & Co.”! How many wood cased binnacle compasses have you seen that is designed like a pyramid? Not only are they rare in the general market, this is the first to be offered for sale in recent times. Most are only seen in museums or books. Presented is […]
William ThomsonLord Kelvin Threaded Compass Patent Application
SIR WILLIAM THOMSON THREADED COMPASS PATENT APPLICATION & COMPASS CARD ~1889 Complete with original Patent Application and Grant. No. 4923 A.D. 1889. An important relic of maritime history with a collaboration between two well known historic men, Sir William Thomson and James White PRESENTED IS A VERY IMPORTANT ENGLISH DRY CARD COMPASS made by James White, Glasgow for submission to the […]