Half Hull Model of Maine Built Schooner Ca 1870
Half Hull Model of Maine Build Schooner Ca 1870 BACKBOARD 41″ L x 8 1/4″ H MODEL LOA 37 1/2″ LOD 37 1/2″ L X 5″ BM x 6″ depth Weight 13 Lbs. Presented is a large antique builder’s Display Style half model made from Mahogany and Pine for the backboard. Mahogany was rarely used for this purpose because of its […]
Half Model 9th Defense of America’s Cup by DEFENDER 1895
BUILDER’S PRESENTATION HALF MODEL OF AMERICA’S CUP DEFENDER of the same name vs. VALKYRIE III Dated 1895 Presented is a half model celebrating the ninth defense of the America’s Cup Races, this time by the N.G. Herreshoff designed DEFENDER of 1895. It has the characteristics of a builder’s presentation model, but was likely made by American artisans in the […]
Large American Builder’s Half Hull Ship ModelCa 1890
BUILDER’S PRESENTATION HALF MODEL OF A MOTOR SHIP Ca 1890 =center> DIMENSIONS: The ship model 36 1/4″ L x 4″ W x 4″ Depth The backboard 43 1/4″ L x 10″ H x 1 1/4″ T Hull: 36 1/4″ L x 4″ D x 4″ W Weight: 15 lbs Presented […]
Old World River Harbor Launch
OLD WORLD RIVER HARBOR LAUNCH PRESENTATION HALF MODEL to the Hon Francis B. Bradley-Birt, Esq BACKBOARD 45″ L x 17″ H MODEL 34 1.2″ X 5″ beam x 3 1/2″ depth 8 1/4″ Height Weight 24 Lbs. Presented is a presentation half model which was designed in the traditional British style of a harbor and river launch to transport gentlemen and women […]
Builder’s Half Hull Model of Named American Schooner 1872
Backboard: 61″ L x 9″ H x 1″ T Half Hull: 50″ L x 5 1/2″ D x 6″Depth Bowsprit add 6″ Weight: 24 lbs Presented is an authentic large builder’s model of a New England schooner that was launched in Newburyport, Massachusetts on September, 1873. The model is held together by two large rectangular wedges that run from the […]
Half Modelof an Extreme Clipper Ship Ca 1852
BUILDER’S HALF MODEL OF An EXTREME CLIPPER SHIP SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS – 1852? =center> =”left”> DIMENSIONS: The ship model 30″ L x 2 3/4″ W x 4″ Depth The backboard 35″ L x 9″ W x 1/2″ T Weight 10 pounds Presented is a finely made builder’s half hull model with six alternating lifts of Mahogany. The aged backboard has been added. It reminds us of the half model of Donald McKay’s famous […]
Large Builder’s Half Hull Model US Revenue Cutter Ca 1860
ANTIQUE BUILDER’S HALF HULL SHIP MODEL U.S. REVENUE SERVICE CUTTER – SCHOONER Backboard: 51″ L x 9 1/2″ H x 3/4″ T Half Hull: 50″ L x 5 1/8″ D x 6 1/2″ Depth Weight: 14 1/2 lbs Presented is a large antique builder’s half model which, when disassembled, had three and maybe four templates which were used […]
Antique American Named Whaleship Builder’s Half Hull Model
BUILDER’S WHALESHIP PRESENTATIONHALF HULL MODEL Ca Backboard: 56″ L x 12″ H x 1″ T Half Hull: 47 3/8″ L x 5 1/2″ D x 6″ Depth Weight: 27 lbs Presented is a large size builder’s model of a whaleship of mid 19th Century design that was made to commemorate the launch of the whaling schooner Addie M. Chadwick […]
Antique Builder’s Half Model Atlantic Transport Line
Builder’s or Naval Architect’s HALF MODEL OF WW I Transport “WAR RIDDLE” DIMENSIONS: The ship model 48″ L x 3 1/2″ W x 6 1/2″ Depth Weight 16 1/2 pounds Presented is an exceptional builder’s half hull model of what was originally built as a wartime Standard “N“ type transport that was […]
P & O Clipper Ship SIMLA Antique Half Model 1863
PRESENTATION HALF HULL MODEL P&O Lines Clipper SIMLA Ca 1863 Presented is a half display model of the Clipper Ship “SIMLA” which was possibly made by a crew member. Other than coming from a New England estate, nothing is known of the models past. The ship was built in 1854 for the P & O Line, as […]