LATE FRENCH BRASS FIGHTING DIRK Presented is a French Infantrymard.n’s sword from the 1840 -1860’s that has been made into a Fighting Dirk. As configured, the original “P” guard has been removed and the bade has been shortened with a sharp double edge and a two strand, wire wrapped, bone grip from an antler. The furniture is brass. There is no scabbard. It’s size and […]
Horse Head Georgian Era Officer’s Short Sword

RARE HORSE HEAD GEORGIAN OFFICER’S SHORT SWORD Ca 1801 SOLINGEN BLADE NAPOLEONIC ERA OFFICER’S SHORT SWORD Presented is an Georgian Period King George III, (1738-1820) very rare Horse Head officer’s short sword which measures 28 1/4 inches overall, and has a slightly curved 23 1/2 inch blade. The wide single fuller, from the ricasso to […]
Blue – Gilt American Eagle Head Officer’s Sword 1820

RARE EAGLE HEAD SWORD Infantry Officer’s Ca 1820London Made Fire Blue Niter & Gold Gilt Blade </div Presented is a very rare eagle head saber made for the American Market with a magnificent pipe back, slightly curved, engraved blade finished in fire blue niter and gilt with a signature style carved bone grip. The hilt and backstrap are made […]
American Salter Eagle Head Saber Museum Deaccession

Presented is a very rare eagle head saber made for the American Market with a radical curved, single edge blade, and cross hatched bone grip. The hilt and backstrap are made in brass. The sword has a very rare pierced “Lace“ cross guard with open areas that extends into a single stirrup guard that dates to this period. The pommel is fitted with a rare “Parrot“ style eagle […]
American Revolution Officers Hanger Museum Deaccession

Presented is a Revolutionary Period hanger or saber that was made for the American Market. It has a wire wrapped, leather covered wood grip, and a very rare pierced bronze cross guard with four open panels on either side of a circle that extends into a sturdy pierced stirrup guard that dates to this period. There is no scabbard. The flat pommel and […]
MEDICUS American Infantry Officer Sword Ca 1821 Museum Owned

MEDICUS-FLAYDERMAN MILITIA INFANTRY OFFICER’S SWORD Ca 1821-40 Museum Deaccession from the Philip Medicus Collection Presented is a rare non-regulation Roman helmet pommel Militia Infantry officer’s sword with straight single edged bade, with rudimentary mostly floral engravings, having a prominent single fuller. The down turned clam shell, counter guard, has a large heraldic American eagle with shield […]
Ames M1850 Foot Officers Sword 1861 Date Museum Deaccession

Presented is a M1850 Ames Foot Officer’s sword dated 1861 of which only 450 were made. The design calls for a single edged blade with 9 1/2″ false edge and 3/4″ wide fuller running 21″ down the length, enhanced by etched floral scroll work. The guard, knuckle bow and quillion are a single piece […]
Italian Military Short Sword Mid 19th C Museum Deaccession

Presented is an unusual Italian military short sword with a bird’s head pommel, capstan tang nit, and highly polished, slightly curved blade. Our research has shown that it is a mid 19th Century military weapon. This example is in remarkable condition showing little wear. There is no scabbard.DIMENSIONS: 23 5/16“ LOA Blade 18 1/4“ […]
Militia Officers Sword in Peterson’s Museum Deaccession

Presented is a one-of-a-kind officer’s sword made for the American Market with a hand tooled bone grip, unusual pommel, and chain guard with a tag from the famous Phillip Medicus Collection. It has hand patined museum accession number from where it resided for more than 50 years and various tags signifying ownership. It was […]
Medicus Officer’s Eagle Head Saber Museum Deaccession

Presented is a very rare eagle head saber made for the American Market with reeded bone grip, all in exceptional condition. The sword has a very rare pierced cross guard with four open panels that extend into a sturdy stirrup guard that dates to this period. The original scabbard is in the same remarkable condition with excellent leather, two suspension rings and its metal tip and […]