Militia Officers Sword in Peterson’s Museum Deaccession

Presented is a one-of-a-kind officer’s sword made for the American Market with a hand tooled bone grip, unusual pommel, and chain guard with a tag from the famous Phillip Medicus Collection. It has hand patined museum accession number from where it resided for more than 50 years and various tags signifying ownership. It was […]
Confederate Curved Serpentine Sword Bayonet Ca 1861
No Scabbard Length Overall 28 1/8“ Hilt 4 1/2″ L x 3/4″ W x 1 1/4″ H Blade 23″ L x 1 1/8″ W x 3/8″ T at widest Fuller 15 1/4“ x 3/4” Weight 1 lbs 12 ounces Presented is a bayonet with an unusual wavy and curved shape that was made in England by Robert Mole who was a […]
American Eagle Head Saber Ca 1805 Medicus Museum Owned

Museum Deaccession Presented is another very interesting eagle head saber made for the American Market by E. Richards & Co., likely of Birmingham, England. It has a carved bone grip with two shell designs on each side, all in excellent condition and tight. The pommel is fitted with a Salter style eagle in sharp detail with the tang coming through the top […]
Medicus Officer’s Eagle Head Saber Museum Deaccession

Presented is a very rare eagle head saber made for the American Market with reeded bone grip, all in exceptional condition. The sword has a very rare pierced cross guard with four open panels that extend into a sturdy stirrup guard that dates to this period. The original scabbard is in the same remarkable condition with excellent leather, two suspension rings and its metal tip and […]
Early French Hunting Sword Ca 1760 Museum Owned

Presented is an early hunting sword with a finely made leather covered hilt that is wrapped with two strands of braided copper wire, all of which is in near perfect condition with everything tight. This hilt design was popular in early America from about 1650 to 1800, and in Europe, and England during the same period. The […]
M1784 French Glaive de l’Artillerie Short Sword Deaccession

Presented is a M1784 French, double edge, short sword with finely crafted Lion Head hilt. A simple knob capstan secures the tang with everything held tight. The bronze hilt which is in perfect condition, has a rich deep green patina which varies in tone from light to dark. The blade is heavily encrusted with rust, much of which is flaking, making the […]
British Hanger Naval Officers’ Sword by T. Gill Ca 1797

Presented is a very rare example of a Pillow Pommel style hanger that found favor with Naval and military officers in England, France and America before regulation military swords became prevalent. The curved, very wide and large fuller blade has a single edge. It is without embellishments except for the prominent letter “G” on the ricasso which is the known mark of Thomas Gill. The Gill […]
Richards Upson 5 Ball American Officers Sword Spadroon

Presented is a style of sword that found favor, for a very brief 30 year period between 1790 and 1820 with Naval and military officers in England, France and America before regulation swords became prevalent. The straight, cut and thrust Spadroon’s, single edge blade measures 32 1/2 inches in length, 38 1/4″ overall, making it likely for a mounted officer. It is 1 1/8″ wide, 1/4″ […]
American Silver Hilt Eagle Head Saber Ca 1775 -1805

Presented is a very rare example of a Silver hilt, eagle head saber with massive solid clear ivory block grip. The ivory is embellished on one side only on a single panel with slanted reeding. The sword has a sturdy stirrup guard and its original scabbard. The pommel is fitted with a Philadelphia style eagle in sharp detail with the […]
Famous AMES M1841 Antique U.S. Navy Cutlass Saber

Presented is an M1841 U.S. Navy cutlass that is a near perfect example of this most desirable sea service edged weapon. Because only traces remain of the customary Ames imprints, and none remain of the U.S. Navy blade markings, it is our conclusion that this cutlass saw heavy service at sea over an extended period. On the obverse […]