And Five Named Bonus Accessories Price $285.00 plus shipping to 48 contiguous States $25.00 Presented is the actual U.S. Navy Commission Pennant flown by the USS CAMBRIA APA 36. The CAMBRIA, a Bayfield-class attack transport, was commissioned on 16 JAN 1944. She served her country for 26 years, 7 months and 29 days, until decommissioned on […]
Figural Bronze Statue Civil War Confederate Naval Officer

BRONZE STATUE OF CIVIL WAR CONFEDERATE NAVAL OFFICER & SWORD PRICE $250.00 plus shipping to 48 contiguous States $20.00 DIMENSIONS: Figure: 10 7/8“ H x 4“ W X 3” D Base: 7“ L x 5 1/4“ W x 3/4“ H WEIGHT: 7 lbs 14 oz Presented is a cast bronze figural of […]
Antique Bosun’s Pipe or Call China Export Trade Ca 1875

Antique Bosun’s Pipe or Call China Export Trade 19th Century Presented is an exotic Bosun’s “call” or “pipe” which is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a Boatswain’s whistle by landlubbers. The 19th Century calls are larger in size than those of the 20th Century. Until now, we’ve only seen two other examples of China Export pipes. One we […]
Vintage Royal Navy Officer Full Dress Blue Uniform – Chapeau

FULL DRESS UNIFORM & COCKED HAT Full Dress Winter Blue Undated Made by Gieve’s Ltd. Approx. Size 38 Long Label B.R.H. Ward Cocked Hat by Gieve’s Presented is a British Royal Navy, full dress, winter blue uniform owned by Bernard Ralph Henry Ward, RN (1911-2000), dating from when he was a lieutenant in 1932. He is the son of Capt. Bernard John […]
Antique French Royal Burled Wood Campaign Decanter Set

FRENCH ROYAL BURLED WOOD CAMPAIGN DECANTER SET “Bourbon Royalty Connection” Presented is an exquisitely made French Walnut burled wood campaign decanter box with four glass decanters. The case has brass corners and inset campaign handles of the highest quality brass work. There is a brass escutcheon (heraldic shield) inlaid in the hinged top. There are four […]
U.S. Navy Tailhook – Aircraft Carrier Arresting Gear

U.S. NAVY AIRCRAFT TAIL HOOK Presented is an authentic U.S.Navy arresting gear commonly referred to as a tail hook. This device allows an airplane to land safely on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier by hooking a wire that is stretched across the flight deck. Though we can not be certain, […]
USS North Carolina BB 55 Vintage Wood Model

Collector Quality U.S.S. NORTH CAROLINA BB-55 FAMOUS WW II BATTLESHIP SCRATCH BUILT WOOD CASED MODEL Ca 1949 DIMENSIONS: The model 33 1/2″ L x 10 3/4″ H x 5 3/4″ W The Case 36″ L x 13 1/2″ H x 9″ W Weight 18 pounds estimate Presented is a cased model of the USS North Carolina (BB-55) which was the […]
Historic 45 – 48 Star Manila Bay Ensign 1900 Flag

US Navy Ensign No. 5 Navy Yard Cavite June 13, 1900 SIZE: 60“ x 112“ [5 ft x 9 ft 4 in] Weight 2 lbs 4 oz Presented is a hand stitched official 48 vs. 45 Star, U.S. Navy Ensign that was made in the naval shipyard in Cavite, Manila Bay, Philippines following the Battle of […]
Captain David G. Farragut Letter to SEC/Navy 1860

CAPT. DAVID G. FARRAGUT LETTER Norfolk, Aug 6, 1860 (1801-1870). American naval Admiral and veteran of various wars, who uttered the famous phrase “Damn the torpedoes!” while a flag commander in the Gulf of Mexico during the Civil War. He was the first American Navy officer to hold the rank of Admiral. ALS “D. G. […]
13 Star Betsy Ross – Yacht Ensign Ca 1890 Known Collector

13 STAR BETSY ROSS – YACHT FLAG Ca 1910 SIZE: 29“ x 49“ Weight 5 1/2 oz Presented is a 29” x 49”, cotton bunting, machine sewn, US, 13 star flag with zig-zag stars, handed down from the estate of Colonel William T. Carpenter to two prior holders. Carpenter was an engineer who served with distinction in the US Coast Artillery. […]